Participation and Contribution

The Eclipse Jetty Contribution Guide targets developers and writers who want to make contributions to the Jetty project by contributing code, writing documentation, or engaging in the larger community.

Mailing Lists

One of the easiest ways to get involved is via our mailing lists:

  • Jetty Users (jetty-users, archives) is for discussion and questions that are of broad interest to the community of Jetty users.

  • Jetty Developers (jetty-dev, archives) is more narrowly focused on technical topics and discussion regarding Jetty internals.

  • Jetty Announcements (jetty-announce, archives) is for announcements about new releases and other updates from the project’s maintainers.

Stack Overflow

Another great resource, both for Jetty novices who need help and Jetty experts who want to contribute, is StackOverflow. In particular, the jetty and embedded-jetty tags see regular traffic.

Filing Issues

You can flag potential bugs or suggest new Jetty features on our issue tracker.

Before filing a new issue, check the tracker to see if it’s already been filed by someone else. If you do file an issue, make sure to label it appropriately, as this will help the development team (and other users) find it more easily.

Help Wanted

If you want to contribute to Jetty but don’t have a specific task or goal in mind, consider looking through our "Help Wanted" issue backlog. These tasks range from the simple to the complex, but they’re all ones we’ve identified as being particularly well-suited for new contributors to tackle.

Commercial Support

Webtide is the company behind Jetty that provides services and support for the Jetty Project.