Submitting Patches

We wholeheartedly welcome contributions to Jetty. While not every contribution will be accepted, our commitment is to work with interested parties on the things they care about.

Configuring git

The email in your git commits must match the email you used to sign the Eclipse Contributor Agreement. As such, you’ll likely want to configure in git accordingly. See this guide on GitHub for details on how to do so.

Writing commit messages

If your pull request addresses a particular issue in our repository, then the commit message should reference the issue. Specifically, the message should follow the form Issue #<NNN> <description of the commit>:

$ git commit -s -m "Issue #123 resolving the issue by adding widget"

Using this format will ensure that the commit will be included in VERSIONS.txt upon new releases of Jetty.

Signing the commit

You should sign off on every commit in your pull request using git’s signoff feature (git commit -s).

Creating pull requests

Time frames

We do our best to process contributions in a timely fashion. Please note that we can only handle pull requests with actively engaged parties. We reserve the right to abandon pull requests whose authors do not respond in a timely fashion.

We will generally adhere to the following time frames for contributions:

Invalid Pull Requests - 1 week

These pull requests do not follow the contribution requirements for some reason — e.g., a missing contributor agreement or mismatched email signature. We will try and follow up with the pull request author to resolve the issue. If we do not hear from the contributor after a week we will close the pull request.

Valid Pull Requests - 2 weeks

If the pull request can be immediately merged, we will do so. Otherwise, we will follow up with the author in a comment to discuss what additional actions must be taken before the change can be landed. If the original contributor does not respond within two weeks, we may close the commit, or make some variation of the commit ourselves.